Code Enforcement Metrics
The Code Enforcement Division proactively investigates, tracks, and coordinates zoning and code cases in the City of Lewisville. Their goal is to ensure code compliance by educating and communicating clearly with the public to create a Lewisville everyone can enjoy.
Case Types Opened
in the past 30 days
The chart to the left shows the types of violation cases trending in the past 30 days. The most popular individual categories are displayed. The other less popular categories are grouped together as "Other" and include cases such as pool fence maintenance and lawn trimmings.
Percentage of Officer-Initiated Cases
Over the past 30 days, this is the percentage of cases located and initiated by a Code Enforcement Officer during the patrol of neighborhoods. Officer-initiated cases are an essential part of the City's initiative to proactively enforce codes and ordinances in order to maintain a high standard of living for our community.
Ideally, the goal is for 90% of cases to be officer-initiated, but a sudden influx of complaints can reduce this number. For example, an increase in watering restriction complaints during the summer will increase the number of complaint-initiated cases. Pursuing complaint-initiated cases requires staff time, which can affect an officer's ability to proactively patrol neighborhoods.
Compliance Rate without Enforcement Actions
Lewisville's code enforcement program prioritizes voluntary compliance. This means that code officers strive to resolve cases without the use of enforcement actions, such as citations. The percentage displayed to the right shows the rate of compliance achieved without enforcement actions in the last 30 days.
Compliance After One Notice
The graph to the left displays the rate of compliance after one notice over the past two fiscal years. A singular notice includes a doortag or a letter. Reaching compliance as quickly as possible is essential to ensuring violation cases are closed quickly and a high standard of living is maintained in the community. Cases that require more time to reach compliance consume staff time and resources
Average Number of Days to Close Cases
Based on cases closed in the past 30 calendar days
The time it takes to close a case depends on several factors, including the severity of the case, the violator's ability to reach compliance, and the negotiation of remediation timelines. To ensure due process, cases begin with violation notices, and violators are given reasonable time to respond to and correct a violation. Lewisville's code enforcement program prioritizes voluntary compliance, so every reasonable effort is made to correct a violation before a citation is issued. Cases that require the use of a hired service, such as fence repair or a tow truck for inoperative vehicles, may take longer to resolve.
Average Case Duration
The graph to the left displays the monthly average case duration of the current and previous fiscal years. Case duration is calculated from the day a case is opened to the day a case is closed. We've averaged all the case durations across each month to get a monthly average, which can fluctuate depending on the types of violations occurring and other events affecting operations.
Monthly Inspection Workloads
In the chart to the left, we summed the monthly count of enforcement inspections and divided it by the number of full-time staffed officer positions. Despite fluctuating work volumes and staffing levels, maintaining a healthy workload balance among staff is essential to providing efficient, dependable service.
Updates on the first day of each new month
Single Family Rental Inspection Program
Single Family Rental Inspections
The chart above displays the number of single family rental (SFR) inspections conducted by code officers in the last 12 months. Reinspections are required if a code violation is found, and the small number of reinspections evidenced in the chart above indicates that most SFR inspections do not incur code violations.
Single Family Rental Violations
The graph above displays the types of violations incurred at single family rental locations in the last year. Relative to the total number of single family rental locations in the city, violations for these properties tend to be infrequent, and most of those violations tend to be for grass & weeds and unsightly material.
Multi-Family Inspection Program
Inspections versus Reinspections
Multi-Family Inspections
Pass:Fail Frequencies
The chart to the right shows the number of passing and failing inspections per month for the last rolling 12 months. Inspectors log each building inspection separately, so each inspection displayed is a single building. The chart includes both routine inspections and reinspections.
Multi-Family Inspections
Top Failing Items
The chart to left shows the top failing inspection items documented during annual inspections of Lewisville's apartment complexes. To ensure complexes are maintaining an acceptable standard of living for Lewisville's renter population, multi-family inspectors conduct annual inspections at every property to check fire and life safety systems, the integrity of the building, as well as the functionality of plumbing, electrical, and A/C systems.
Most metrics are updated daily